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At SURGI LAB, we pioneered the SURGICUT blade manufacturing method by using superior manufacturing equipment and process, that enhances the chemical etching process. This allows us to produce double-bevelled cutting edges and smooth surfaces – without compromising blade sharpness or requiring greater penetration force. Better for you, better for your patients.



Existing ophthalmic blades are grinded, stamped, or formed by basic chemical etching. Final coating ensures smooth and consistent penetration but increases required penetration force. 

Our product development work with leading clinicians led us to the belief that ophthalmic blades needed improvement. The three qualities that ophthalmologists demand are precision, penetration and consistent performance. 

However, typical ophthalmic blades are grinded, stamped, or formed by basic chemical etching, and means they require a final coating. While this final coating helps ensure smooth and consistent penetration, it also demands greater penetration force from the user. This can lead to inconsistency and increases the potential for damage or slippage during the procedure.

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